by inessanderson | May 22, 2016 | Fitness Tips
I was not very athletic growing up but lucky enough to come from a large family, living in big houses and so, playing “kids’ thing”, going up trees, jumping on wall ledges, jumping rope, etc. It was not until my mid 30’s that I got into , first...
by inessanderson | May 11, 2016 | Blog, Fitness Tips
Weight loss, fitness, healthy lifestyle, how is it that we are still talking about them? So much time into research, a multi billion dollar diet food industry, tons of supplements and vitamins to make us healthy…Why is it that a lot of people are still...
by inessanderson | Jan 4, 2016 | Fitness Tips
I was not born an athlete, in fact, nobody is. In my case, I was expected to pursue an academic career. That’s exactly what I did, top of the class student, till my late teens. That was the easy part, I was ready for it. Becoming an athlete was a different...
by inessanderson | Jan 2, 2016 | Fitness Tips
Build muscle, get stronger and stay flexible; I have used my experience and different techniques to put together a program that will help you get lean muscle mass, burn fat, work on your balance and flexibility.
by inessanderson | Jan 17, 2015 | Fitness Tips
Do get your playlist together: music you enjoy can always push you to your limits. Don’t workout 7 days/week: you should allow yourself at least one entire day off training. Don’t workout on an empty stomach: fuel your body about 45 minutes before hitting...
by inessanderson | May 6, 2010 | Fitness Tips
Unless you are planning to walk for an hour, don’t read on the treadmill, bike or elliptical. If you can do it , it probably means you are not working hard enough… Remember, this is a time to focus on yourself, your health, everything else can...
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